113學年度第1學期電子系博士班資格考結果The Result of the Qualifying Examination for year 2024 , The Fall Semester no 學號(Student ID) 組別(Group) 本次應考科目(Subject) 結果(Result) 1 1106405101 電子組Electronic Image and Video Processing FAIL 2 I110152103 電信組Communication & System Computer Networks FAIL 3 I110152103 電信組Communication & System Communication Principle PASS 4 I110152106 資訊組Information Image and Video Processing PASS 5 I110152110 醫電組Medical Electronic
繼續閱讀Academic year 1 1 3, The schedule of the first semester Qualifying Examination The schedule of the Qualifying Exam. is following. Qualifying Examination Date Date: 2025/01/12 Sunday Please sent your application before 2024/11/29. Examination time is from 0820 a.m. to 1230 a.m. Exam Location:8F Room 807, Electronics Department Time:The first Subject 0820~1000 The Second Subject 1020~1200 Rule: