
英文名字: | Su-Hua Yang |
分 機: | 15631 |
電子郵件: | shya@nkust.edu.tw |
學 歷: | 國立成功大學電機工程 博士 |
專 長: | 光電元件研發、奈米結構合成與應用、綠能元件研發、發光材料合成與應用 Photoelectric material and device investigation, nanostructure synthesis and applications, energy-efficient device development, luminescent material synthesis and applications |
- 有激電激發光元件製作。
- 螢光粉合成與應用。
- 奈米線成長與應用。
- 厚膜電激發光元件製作。
- 長輝光碳奈米點複合螢光粉於光資訊儲存應用(2020)
- 奈米螢光粉於快速即時生物檢析應用(2019)
- 奈米螢光粉於溫度與潛在指紋檢析之應用(2018)
- 功能性奈米螢光粉鋁酸鹽之合成與應用(2017)
- 改進OLED發光效率之以增光層提升光萃取率(2016)
- 以表面披覆增強奈米線特性並於綠能奈米元件上應用(2016)
- 以表面披覆增強奈米線特性並於綠能奈米元件上應用
- 全彩色SrGa2O4:M電激發光顯示器研發
- 白光厚膜電激發光元件研發
- 網印法印製奈米碳管陰極之場放射特性研究
- 座標訊號偵測,設計,與電子系統開發
- 白光硫化物系螢光體於電激發光元件之應用
- 以圖案式結構製作白光電激發光元件及其發光特性改善
- 高色純度與穩定度紅光有機發光二極體研製
- 藉由改善載子平衡以提高單一發光層白光有機發光元件效率之研究
- 以螢磷發光結構研製高效率白光有機發光二極體
Journal papers (2016~2020)
- Su-Hua Yang, Che-Min Lin, Wei-Min Tung, Tu-Chieh Hung, Min-Wen Wang, XPS analysis and luminescence mechanism of white SrZn2(PO4)2:Eu2+,Mn2+ phosphor with In3+ sensitizer, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 684 (2016) 461–465.
- Su-Hua Yang, Che-Min Lin, Wei-Min Tung, Tu-Chieh Hung, Luminescence enhancement of SrZn2(PO4)2:Eu2+,Mn2+ phosphor co-doped with Al3+, Journal of Alloys and Compound, 695 (2017) 2757–
- Chi-Yu Lin, Su-Hua Yang, Jih-Lung Lin, Cheng-Fu Yang, Effects of the concentration of Eu3+ ions and synthesizing temperature on the luminescence properties of Sr2-xEuxZnMoO6 phosphors, Applied Sciences, 7 (2017) 30.
- Su-Hua Yang, Jian-Ping Wu, Tao-Liang Huang, Bin-Fong Chung, Tunneling injection and exciton diffusion of white OLEDs with composed buffer layers, Journal of Electronic Materials, 47 (2018) 1232–1240.
- Su-Hua Yang, Nai-Chieh Hsu, Electron emission enhancement of long hybrid emitters prepared using ZnO nanowires decorated with Zn nanoflakes, Applied Surface Science, 433 (2018) 639–646.
- Su-Hua Yang, Yi-Ching Lee, Ying-Che Hung, Thermometry of red nanoflaked SrAl12O19:Mn4+ synthesized with boric acid flux, Ceramics International, 44 (2018) 11665–11673.
- Su-Hua Yang, Ting-Jing Huang, Tzu-Hao Liu, High color rendering index and directional emission of white OLEDs using nanorod waveguide channels, Journal of Luminescence, 201 (2018) 402–409.
- Su-Hua Yang, Wei-Jun Wang, Yi-Ching Lee, Po-Jui Chiang, Luminescence enhancement of spherical Sr3La(PO4)3:Eu3+ red nanophosphor with core-shell configuration and added sensitizer for low-voltage field emission lamp, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 783 (2019) 785–792.
- Su-Hua Yang, Ghih-Yi Tseng, Chih-Fu Kao, Electron thermionic field emission and flow model of rapid-switching energy-saving electrochromic WO3/ZnO core-shell nanorod channels, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (2019) H70–H76.
- Su-Hua Yang, Ying-Che Hung, Po-Chang Tseng, Hwa-Yu Lee, Versatile deep-red Mg2TiO4:Mn4+ phosphor for photoluminescence, thermometry, and latent fingerprint visualization, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 801 (2019) 394–401.
- Su-Hua Yang, Tzu-Hao Liu, Wei-Li Kuo, Po-Chang Tseng, Tzu-Yi Wang, High color stability white OLED with an exterior sandwiched color conversion layer, Vacuum, 168 (2019) 108841.
- Su-Hua Yang, Chih-Fu Kuo, Jia-Hua Yang, Rapid switching of composite electrode prepared with a hierarchical organic-inorganic p-n heterojunction and a nanorock layer, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 827 (2020) 154387.
- Su-Hua Yang, Jia-Hua Yang, Enhancement on electrochromic of WO3 based electrode prepared with hierarchical ZnO nanobricks, Vacuum, 179 (2020) 109460.
- Su-Hua Yang, Tao-Liang Huang, External quantum efficiency over 5% of dual-wavelength fluorescent white OLED with a simply four-layered configuration, Optical Materials, (2020).
Conference papers (2016~2020)
- 黃道亮、鐘斌峰、黃廷景、楊素華,基於電洞注入結構與客體摻雜濃度之白光有機發光二極體電致發光特性探討, 2016第十四屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會,海洋科技大學,5月20日(2016)。
- 王韋鈞、李怡靜、楊素華,利用化學共沉澱法製備Sr3La(PO4)3:Eu3+紅色螢光粉及發光特性探討,2016第十四屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會,海洋科技大學,5月20日(2016)。
- Bin-Fong Chung, Tao-Liang Huang, Ting-Jing,Huang, Su-Hua Yang, Color-tunable organic light-emitting diode fabricated with fluorescent-phosphorescent emission layers, 2016電子,信號,與通訊創新科技研討會,高雄應用科技大學,5月27日(2016)。(優秀論文獎)
- 徐廼杰、曾之邑、楊素華, 使用氣相傳輸法在不同溫度下成長氧化鋅奈米線,並探討其光譜、場發射特性, 2016電子,信號,與通訊創新科技研討會,高雄應用科技大學,5月27日(2016)。
- Bin-Fong Chung, Tao-Liang Huang, Ting-Jing, Huang, Su-Hua Yang, Enhancement of external quantum efficiency and current efficiency of organic light-emitting diode with BCzVB as sensitizer, 2016 International conference of Optics & Photonics Taiwan, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, TaipeiTaiwan, 03–05 (2016).
- 黃道亮、鐘斌峰、黃廷景、楊素華,基於Ir(ppy)3作為超薄層結構分析有機發光二極體載子復合區之研究,中國材料科學學會年會,工業技術研究院,11月19~20日(2016)。
- 王韋鈞、李怡靜、江柏叡、楊素華,探討燒結時間對於Sr3La(PO4)3:0.07Eu3+螢光粉發光特性之影響,中國材料科學學會年會,工業技術研究院,11月19~20日(2016)。
- 徐廼杰、戴遠霆、曾之邑、楊素華, 升溫速率對氣相傳輸法成長ZnO奈米線光譜及場發射特性之影響,中國材料科學學會年會,工業技術研究院,11月19~20日(2016)。
- 李怡靜、洪英哲、楊素華,紅色鋁酸鍶螢光粉合成及發光特性,2016光電與通訊工程應用研討會,國立高雄應用科技大學,11月25日(2016)。
- 曾之邑、郭智富、楊素華,低溫水熱法成長氧化鋅奈米結構之研究,2016光電與通訊工程應用研討會,國立高雄應用科技大學,11月25日(2016)。
- 黃廷景、劉子豪、楊素華,使用色轉換層實現下轉換白光有機發光二極體,2016光電與通訊工程應用研討會,國立高雄應用科技大學,11月25日(2016)。 (海報優秀論文獎)
- Su-Hua Yang, Jian-Ping Wu, Tao-Liang Huang, Bin-Fong Chung, Ting-Jing Huang, Color-stable white OLEDs with doped buffer layers, 2016 International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium (IEDMS 2016), National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei Taiwan, Nov. 24–25 (2016).
- Su-Hua Yang, Nai-Chieh Hsu, High stable electron emission of surface-modified ZnO nanowires, 29th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2016), ANA Crowne Plaza Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 8–11 (2016).
- 戴遠霆、楊素華、王珉玟,披覆鋯鈦酸鉛於氧化鋅奈米線之研究, 2017第十五屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會,國立高雄海洋科技大學,5月19日(2017)。
- 曾之邑、郭智富、楊素華,A high electrochromic properties of WO3 modified ZnO nanorods grown by low-temperature aqueous solution method,2017電子,信號,與通訊創新科技研討會,國立高雄應用科技大學,5月26日(2017)。
- Su-Hua Yang, Tao-Liang Huang, Ting-Jing Huang, A high electrochromic properties of WO3 modified ZnO nanorods grown by low-temperature aqueous solution method, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation,Hotel emisia, Sapporo, Japan, May 13–17 (2017). (2017 IEEE Best Conference Paper Award)
- Ting-Jing Huang, Tzu-Hao Liu, and Su-Hua Yang, Light extraction of ZnO nanowires for organic light-emitting diodes, International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium 2017 (IEDMS 2017), National Chiao Tung University, Sep. 6–8 (2017).
- Yi-Ching Lee, Ying-Che Hung, Su-Hua Yang, Luminescent enhancement of red strontium aluminate phosphors with fluxing agent, International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium 2017 (IEDMS 2017), National Chiao Tung University, Sep. 6–8 (2017).
- Ghih-Yi Tseng, Chih-Fu Kuo, Su-Hua Yang, High electrochromic properties of WO3 modified ZnO nanorods grown by low-temperature aqueous solution method, Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC 2017), National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 7–9 (2017).
- Su-Hua Yang, Ting-Jing Huang, Tzu-Hao Liu, White OLED with nanostructured color conversion layers, Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC 2017), National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 7–9 (2017).
- Su-Hua Yang, Nai-Chieh Hsu, Chih-Fu Kuo, Growth and characteristics of long Zn/ZnO nanowires for field emission display application, 18th International Union Materials Research Societies, International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2017), TWTC Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 5–9 (2017).
- 黃廷景、劉子豪、楊素華,使用不同濃度和厚度之色轉換層實現下轉換白光有機發光二極體,2017 光電與通訊工程應用研討會,國立高雄應用科技大學,Dec. 01 (2017)。(海報優秀論文獎)
- Su-Hua Yang, Ghih-Yi Tseng, Chih-Fu Kao, Tien-Tsorng Shih, Optical characteristics of WO3/ZnO nanocomposites for electrochromic device application, 2018 5th Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2018), Kitakyushu City, Japan, Apr. 10–13 (2018).
- Su-Hua Yang, Yi-Ching Lee, Ying-Che Hung, Luminescence of deep-red SrAl12O19:Mn4+ nanophosphor for near UV-LED application, 4th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2018 (IEEE ICASI 2018), Chiba, Tokyo, Japan, Apr. 13–17 (2018). (2018 IEEE Best Conference Paper Award)
- Su-Hua Yang, Tzu-Hao Liu, High luminescence of white OLEDs with color conversion and light extraction layers, 2018 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2018), Hangzhou,China, Nov. 9–14 (2018).
- Tzu-Hao Liu, Wei-Li Kuo, Su-Hua Yang, Light extraction of nanoparticle scattering layer for organic light-emitting diodes, International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium (IEDMS 2018), National Taiwan Ocean University, 14–16 (2018).
- Ying-Che Hung, Po-Chang Tseng, Su-Hua Yang, Synthesis and luminescence properties of Mg2TiO4:Mn4+ deep-red phosphor, Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference 2018 (OPTIC 2018), Tainan campus of National Chiao Tung University, Dec. 6–8 (2018).
- Chih-Fu Kuo, Jia-Hua Yang, Su-Hua Yang, Electrochromic enhancement of WO3/ZnO nanorods by modifier addition, Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference 2018 (OPTIC 2018), Tainan campus of National Chiao Tung University, Dec. 6–8 (2018).
- Yao-Kai Shih, Ting-Chang Chang, Su-Hua Yang, Bo-Wei Chen, Shin-Ping Huang, Investigation of the off-state DC/AC stress reliability in P-type LTPS TFT, 26th 2019 Symposium on Nano Device Technology (26th SNDT), Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute, Apr. 26 (2018).
- Su-Hua Yang, Chih-Fu Kao, Jia-Hua Yang, Hwa-Yu Lee, Electrochromic characteristics of WO3/ZnO composite nanorods, IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (IEEE ICASI 2019), Fukuoka, Japan, Apr. 11–15 (2019).
- Jia-Hua Yang, Hwa-Yu Lee, Su-Hua Yang, Enhanced electrochromic properties of WO3/ZnO nanorods by hierarchical structure and modifier addition, International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium 2019 (IEDMS 2019), Four Points by Sheraton, Taoyuan, Oct. 24–25 (2019).
- Po-Chang Tseng, Hao-Yu Zhang, Su-Hua Yang g, Synthesis and application in latent fingerprint detection of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ phosphor, Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2019), National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Central Taiwan, Dec. 5–7 (2019).
- Su-Hua Yang, Chih-Fu Kao, Jia-Hua Yang, Fast-switching electrochromic WO3/ZnO Nanorods with a PEDOT:PSS Layer, PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2019 in Xiamen), Xiamen, China, Dec. 17–20 (2019).
- Su-Hua Yang, Tao-Liang Huang, Tzu-Yi Wang, Investigation of luminescence properties of dual-wavelength white OLED with an exciplex emission, IEEE 6th International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2020 (IEEE ICASI 2020), Taitung Taiwan, Nov. 5–8 (2020).
- Jia-Hua Yang, Zhi-Young Chen, Su-Hua Yang, Zinc oxide nanorods grown with two-stage hydrothermal method combined with tungsten oxide for electrochromic application, Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2020), National Taipei University of Technology, Dec. 3–5 (2020).
- Hao-Yu Zhang, Yi-Yan Tsai, Shun-Ming Liao, Su-Hua Yang, Preparation and luminescence properties of red Zn2SiO4:Eu3+ Nanophosphor, Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2020), National Taipei University of Technology, Dec. 3–5 (2020).
- Tzu-Yi Wang, Wei-Lun Chen, Su-Hua Yang, Preparation of light extraction layer for green OLED by using imprinting, Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2020), National Taipei University of Technology, Dec. 3–5 (2020).
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Thermal coater | Sputter | Screen-printer | Oven |
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Furnace | Tube furnace | SourceMeter | Chroma meter |
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Spectrophotometer | Spectroradiometer | Spectrophotometer | Spectrometer |

微奈米材料研發與應用 (Nanostructure synthesis and applications)
螢光材料合成與應用 (Luminescent material synthesis and applications)
綠能元件研發 (Energy-efficient devices)
電致變色/儲能元件研發 (Electrochromic/energy storage devices)
有機發光二極體研發 (Organic light emitting diodes)
The development of sustainable energy technologies is one of the topics in our research group. This includes the investigation of smart electrochromic energy-efficient devices and organic light-emitting diodes. One of our goals is to prepare an energy-efficient device with high performance efficiency. We believe that a promising way to achieve this would be by assembling nanostructures into devices.
Another topic in our research group is luminescent material synthesis. These materials can be used for lighting and display applications as well as for thermometry, bio-detection, and information storage applications.
Please feel free to contact us should you be interested in any of these research topics.
Journal papers (2016~2020)
- Su-Hua Yang, Che-Min Lin, Wei-Min Tung, Tu-Chieh Hung, Min-Wen Wang, XPS analysis and luminescence mechanism of white SrZn2(PO4)2:Eu2+,Mn2+ phosphor with In3+ sensitizer, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 684 (2016) 461–465.
- Su-Hua Yang, Che-Min Lin, Wei-Min Tung, Tu-Chieh Hung, Luminescence enhancement of SrZn2(PO4)2:Eu2+,Mn2+ phosphor co-doped with Al3+, Journal of Alloys and Compound, 695 (2017) 2757–
- Chi-Yu Lin, Su-Hua Yang, Jih-Lung Lin, Cheng-Fu Yang, Effects of the concentration of Eu3+ ions and synthesizing temperature on the luminescence properties of Sr2-xEuxZnMoO6 phosphors, Applied Sciences, 7 (2017) 30.
- Su-Hua Yang, Jian-Ping Wu, Tao-Liang Huang, Bin-Fong Chung, Tunneling injection and exciton diffusion of white OLEDs with composed buffer layers, Journal of Electronic Materials, 47 (2018) 1232–1240.
- Su-Hua Yang, Nai-Chieh Hsu, Electron emission enhancement of long hybrid emitters prepared using ZnO nanowires decorated with Zn nanoflakes, Applied Surface Science, 433 (2018) 639–646.
- Su-Hua Yang, Yi-Ching Lee, Ying-Che Hung, Thermometry of red nanoflaked SrAl12O19:Mn4+ synthesized with boric acid flux, Ceramics International, 44 (2018) 11665–11673.
- Su-Hua Yang, Ting-Jing Huang, Tzu-Hao Liu, High color rendering index and directional emission of white OLEDs using nanorod waveguide channels, Journal of Luminescence, 201 (2018) 402–409.
- Su-Hua Yang, Wei-Jun Wang, Yi-Ching Lee, Po-Jui Chiang, Luminescence enhancement of spherical Sr3La(PO4)3:Eu3+ red nanophosphor with core-shell configuration and added sensitizer for low-voltage field emission lamp, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 783 (2019) 785–792.
- Su-Hua Yang, Ghih-Yi Tseng, Chih-Fu Kao, Electron thermionic field emission and flow model of rapid-switching energy-saving electrochromic WO3/ZnO core-shell nanorod channels, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (2019) H70–H76.
- Su-Hua Yang, Ying-Che Hung, Po-Chang Tseng, Hwa-Yu Lee, Versatile deep-red Mg2TiO4:Mn4+ phosphor for photoluminescence, thermometry, and latent fingerprint visualization, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 801 (2019) 394–401.
- Su-Hua Yang, Tzu-Hao Liu, Wei-Li Kuo, Po-Chang Tseng, Tzu-Yi Wang, High color stability white OLED with an exterior sandwiched color conversion layer, Vacuum, 168 (2019) 108841.
- Su-Hua Yang, Chih-Fu Kuo, Jia-Hua Yang, Rapid switching of composite electrode prepared with a hierarchical organic-inorganic p-n heterojunction and a nanorock layer, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 827 (2020) 154387.
- Su-Hua Yang, Jia-Hua Yang, Enhancement on electrochromic of WO3 based electrode prepared with hierarchical ZnO nanobricks, Vacuum, 179 (2020) 109460.
- Su-Hua Yang, Tao-Liang Huang, External quantum efficiency over 5% of dual-wavelength fluorescent white OLED with a simply four-layered configuration, Optical Materials, (2020).
Conference papers (2016~2020)
- 黃道亮、鐘斌峰、黃廷景、楊素華,基於電洞注入結構與客體摻雜濃度之白光有機發光二極體電致發光特性探討, 2016第十四屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會,海洋科技大學,5月20日(2016)。
- 王韋鈞、李怡靜、楊素華,利用化學共沉澱法製備Sr3La(PO4)3:Eu3+紅色螢光粉及發光特性探討,2016第十四屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會,海洋科技大學,5月20日(2016)。
- Bin-Fong Chung, Tao-Liang Huang, Ting-Jing,Huang, Su-Hua Yang, Color-tunable organic light-emitting diode fabricated with fluorescent-phosphorescent emission layers, 2016電子,信號,與通訊創新科技研討會,高雄應用科技大學,5月27日(2016)。(優秀論文獎)
- 徐廼杰、曾之邑、楊素華, 使用氣相傳輸法在不同溫度下成長氧化鋅奈米線,並探討其光譜、場發射特性, 2016電子,信號,與通訊創新科技研討會,高雄應用科技大學,5月27日(2016)。
- Bin-Fong Chung, Tao-Liang Huang, Ting-Jing, Huang, Su-Hua Yang, Enhancement of external quantum efficiency and current efficiency of organic light-emitting diode with BCzVB as sensitizer, 2016 International conference of Optics & Photonics Taiwan, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, TaipeiTaiwan, 03–05 (2016).
- 黃道亮、鐘斌峰、黃廷景、楊素華,基於Ir(ppy)3作為超薄層結構分析有機發光二極體載子復合區之研究,中國材料科學學會年會,工業技術研究院,11月19~20日(2016)。
- 王韋鈞、李怡靜、江柏叡、楊素華,探討燒結時間對於Sr3La(PO4)3:0.07Eu3+螢光粉發光特性之影響,中國材料科學學會年會,工業技術研究院,11月19~20日(2016)。
- 徐廼杰、戴遠霆、曾之邑、楊素華, 升溫速率對氣相傳輸法成長ZnO奈米線光譜及場發射特性之影響,中國材料科學學會年會,工業技術研究院,11月19~20日(2016)。
- 李怡靜、洪英哲、楊素華,紅色鋁酸鍶螢光粉合成及發光特性,2016光電與通訊工程應用研討會,國立高雄應用科技大學,11月25日(2016)。
- 曾之邑、郭智富、楊素華,低溫水熱法成長氧化鋅奈米結構之研究,2016光電與通訊工程應用研討會,國立高雄應用科技大學,11月25日(2016)。
- 黃廷景、劉子豪、楊素華,使用色轉換層實現下轉換白光有機發光二極體,2016光電與通訊工程應用研討會,國立高雄應用科技大學,11月25日(2016)。 (海報優秀論文獎)
- Su-Hua Yang, Jian-Ping Wu, Tao-Liang Huang, Bin-Fong Chung, Ting-Jing Huang, Color-stable white OLEDs with doped buffer layers, 2016 International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium (IEDMS 2016), National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei Taiwan, Nov. 24–25 (2016).
- Su-Hua Yang, Nai-Chieh Hsu, High stable electron emission of surface-modified ZnO nanowires, 29th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2016), ANA Crowne Plaza Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 8–11 (2016).
- 戴遠霆、楊素華、王珉玟,披覆鋯鈦酸鉛於氧化鋅奈米線之研究, 2017第十五屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會,國立高雄海洋科技大學,5月19日(2017)。
- 曾之邑、郭智富、楊素華,A high electrochromic properties of WO3 modified ZnO nanorods grown by low-temperature aqueous solution method,2017電子,信號,與通訊創新科技研討會,國立高雄應用科技大學,5月26日(2017)。
- Su-Hua Yang, Tao-Liang Huang, Ting-Jing Huang, A high electrochromic properties of WO3 modified ZnO nanorods grown by low-temperature aqueous solution method, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation,Hotel emisia, Sapporo, Japan, May 13–17 (2017). (2017 IEEE Best Conference Paper Award)
- Ting-Jing Huang, Tzu-Hao Liu, and Su-Hua Yang, Light extraction of ZnO nanowires for organic light-emitting diodes, International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium 2017 (IEDMS 2017), National Chiao Tung University, Sep. 6–8 (2017).
- Yi-Ching Lee, Ying-Che Hung, Su-Hua Yang, Luminescent enhancement of red strontium aluminate phosphors with fluxing agent, International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium 2017 (IEDMS 2017), National Chiao Tung University, Sep. 6–8 (2017).
- Ghih-Yi Tseng, Chih-Fu Kuo, Su-Hua Yang, High electrochromic properties of WO3 modified ZnO nanorods grown by low-temperature aqueous solution method, Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC 2017), National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 7–9 (2017).
- Su-Hua Yang, Ting-Jing Huang, Tzu-Hao Liu, White OLED with nanostructured color conversion layers, Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC 2017), National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 7–9 (2017).
- Su-Hua Yang, Nai-Chieh Hsu, Chih-Fu Kuo, Growth and characteristics of long Zn/ZnO nanowires for field emission display application, 18th International Union Materials Research Societies, International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2017), TWTC Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 5–9 (2017).
- 黃廷景、劉子豪、楊素華,使用不同濃度和厚度之色轉換層實現下轉換白光有機發光二極體,2017 光電與通訊工程應用研討會,國立高雄應用科技大學,Dec. 01 (2017)。(海報優秀論文獎)
- Su-Hua Yang, Ghih-Yi Tseng, Chih-Fu Kao, Tien-Tsorng Shih, Optical characteristics of WO3/ZnO nanocomposites for electrochromic device application, 2018 5th Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2018), Kitakyushu City, Japan, Apr. 10–13 (2018).
- Su-Hua Yang, Yi-Ching Lee, Ying-Che Hung, Luminescence of deep-red SrAl12O19:Mn4+ nanophosphor for near UV-LED application, 4th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2018 (IEEE ICASI 2018), Chiba, Tokyo, Japan, Apr. 13–17 (2018). (2018 IEEE Best Conference Paper Award)
- Su-Hua Yang, Tzu-Hao Liu, High luminescence of white OLEDs with color conversion and light extraction layers, 2018 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2018), Hangzhou,China, Nov. 9–14 (2018).
- Tzu-Hao Liu, Wei-Li Kuo, Su-Hua Yang, Light extraction of nanoparticle scattering layer for organic light-emitting diodes, International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium (IEDMS 2018), National Taiwan Ocean University, 14–16 (2018).
- Ying-Che Hung, Po-Chang Tseng, Su-Hua Yang, Synthesis and luminescence properties of Mg2TiO4:Mn4+ deep-red phosphor, Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference 2018 (OPTIC 2018), Tainan campus of National Chiao Tung University, Dec. 6–8 (2018).
- Chih-Fu Kuo, Jia-Hua Yang, Su-Hua Yang, Electrochromic enhancement of WO3/ZnO nanorods by modifier addition, Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference 2018 (OPTIC 2018), Tainan campus of National Chiao Tung University, Dec. 6–8 (2018).
- Yao-Kai Shih, Ting-Chang Chang, Su-Hua Yang, Bo-Wei Chen, Shin-Ping Huang, Investigation of the off-state DC/AC stress reliability in P-type LTPS TFT, 26th 2019 Symposium on Nano Device Technology (26th SNDT), Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute, Apr. 26 (2018).
- Su-Hua Yang, Chih-Fu Kao, Jia-Hua Yang, Hwa-Yu Lee, Electrochromic characteristics of WO3/ZnO composite nanorods, IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (IEEE ICASI 2019), Fukuoka, Japan, Apr. 11–15 (2019).
- Jia-Hua Yang, Hwa-Yu Lee, Su-Hua Yang, Enhanced electrochromic properties of WO3/ZnO nanorods by hierarchical structure and modifier addition, International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium 2019 (IEDMS 2019), Four Points by Sheraton, Taoyuan, Oct. 24–25 (2019).
- Po-Chang Tseng, Hao-Yu Zhang, Su-Hua Yang g, Synthesis and application in latent fingerprint detection of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ phosphor, Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2019), National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Central Taiwan, Dec. 5–7 (2019).
- Su-Hua Yang, Chih-Fu Kao, Jia-Hua Yang, Fast-switching electrochromic WO3/ZnO Nanorods with a PEDOT:PSS Layer, PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2019 in Xiamen), Xiamen, China, Dec. 17–20 (2019).
- Su-Hua Yang, Tao-Liang Huang, Tzu-Yi Wang, Investigation of luminescence properties of dual-wavelength white OLED with an exciplex emission, IEEE 6th International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2020 (IEEE ICASI 2020), Taitung Taiwan, Nov. 5–8 (2020).
- Jia-Hua Yang, Zhi-Young Chen, Su-Hua Yang, Zinc oxide nanorods grown with two-stage hydrothermal method combined with tungsten oxide for electrochromic application, Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2020), National Taipei University of Technology, Dec. 3–5 (2020).
- Hao-Yu Zhang, Yi-Yan Tsai, Shun-Ming Liao, Su-Hua Yang, Preparation and luminescence properties of red Zn2SiO4:Eu3+ Nanophosphor, Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2020), National Taipei University of Technology, Dec. 3–5 (2020).
- Tzu-Yi Wang, Wei-Lun Chen, Su-Hua Yang, Preparation of light extraction layer for green OLED by using imprinting, Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2020), National Taipei University of Technology, Dec. 3–5 (2020).
半導體物理 (Semiconductor Physics)
半導體元件 (Semiconductor Devices)
光電子學 (Photonics)
光電元件 (Optoelectronic Devices)
實務專題 (Special Topics)
專題研討 (Semiconductor Physics)
- 榮獲1997年國科會乙種研究獎勵
- 指導碩士生劉明煌論文Highly-bright white organic light-emitting diode榮獲2006 11th optoelectronics and communications conference之 Student Paper Award
- 指導黃宜琳同學榮獲「2008年全國技專校院學生實務專題製作」競賽之生技醫事與藥理群第一名
- Ci-Fong Do, Che-Mi Lin, Keng-Wen Chen, Cheng-Hsin Lin, Su-Hu`a Yang, Luminescence characteristics of CaS:Tm doped with LiF, 榮獲2011 Conference on Electronic Communication and Applications (2011 CECA)之光電組論文優等獎
- Li-Li Chang, Nai-Chieh Hsu, Su-Hua Yang, Effect of growth time on morphology and properties of ZnO nanowires by chemical vapor deposition, 榮獲2015 電子,信號,與通訊創新科技研討會之最佳壁報論文獎
- Bin-Fong Chung, Tao-Liang Huang, Ting-Jing,Huang, Su-Hua Yang, Color-tunable organic light-emitting diode fabricated with fluorescent-phosphorescent emission layers, 榮獲2016電子,信號,與通訊創新科技研討會之優秀論文獎
- 黃廷景、劉子豪、楊素華,使用不同濃度和厚度之色轉換層實現下轉換白光有機發光二極體, 榮獲2017 光電與通訊工程應用研討會之海報優秀論文獎
- Su-Hua Yang, Yi-Ching Lee, Ying-Che Hung, Luminescence of deep-red SrAl12O19:Mn4+ nanophosphor for near UV-LED application, 榮獲4th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2018 (IEEE ICASI 2018)之 2018 IEEE Best Conference Paper Award
- 榮獲97、100學年度高雄應用科技大學電資學院輔導類優良教師
- 榮獲國科會99–103年度及科技部104,106–108年度特殊優秀人才獎勵
- International Display Manufacturing Conference & FPD Expo, The Low Voltage Phosphors for Field Emission Display, Taipei Int’l Convention Center, Taiwan, Feb. 18–21, 2003
- Optical and photons Taiwan 2007, Improvement in the Luminescence Properties of Phosphors by Conductivity Modification and Energy Transfer, Taichung, Nov. 30– 1, 2007
- 2010 KUAS提升研發能量工作坊,期刊論文撰寫實戰經驗分享,2010年6月17日
- 第二屆海峽兩岸功能材料科技與產業峰會,Tunable Luminescence of SrZn2(PO4)2:Eu,Mn Phosphor for UV-LEDs,廈門,中國, 8月21‒25日,2015
- 受邀至校外講演: 自強基金會、工研院奈米科技中心及工業產業學院、海洋大學、嘉義大學、高苑科技大學、文藻外語大學、成功大學、勤益科大
- 南台灣大學校院通識教育策略聯盟理事(第四屆)
- 高雄市高雄文化研究學會理事(第五、六屆)
- 中國電機工程師學會高雄市分會學術組長(第18屆)
- 臺灣知識創新學會理事(第三屆)
- 中國工程師學會女性工程師委員會委員(第一屆)
- 通識學刊: 理念與實務(ISSN 1991-4733),發行者: 南台灣大學校院通識教育策略聯盟(2014/01-2015/12)
- 歷史與文化研究2017年年刊
- Phosphor Safari 2012 in Taiwan,清華大學
- 光電與通訊工程研討會,高雄應用科技大學(2013–2015)
- 電子,信號,與通訊創新科技研討會,高雄應用科技大學(2014–2017)
- IEEE ICASI 2019, Fukuoka, Japan
- IEEE ICICE 2019, Zhengzhou, China
- EEE ICASI 2020, Taitung, Taiwan
- International Display Manufacturing Conference & FPD Expo (2007 IDMC’07)
- 2000年教育局製造科技技術論文
- 2006 Conference on Electronic Communication and Applications
- Conference of Optics and Photonics Taiwan 2007 (OPT’07)
- 2011 Conference on Photonics and Communication
- Conference on Photonic and Communications
- 2016年歷史與文化暨通識教育學術研討會
- 2017年歷史與文化暨通識教育學術研討會
- 2018 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2018)
- 5th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2019 (IEEE ICASI 2019)
- 2019 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2019)
- 南科管理局102年度「科學工業園區研發精進產學合作計畫」光電領域之書審審查委員
- 102年度「南部科學工業園區綠能低碳產業聚落推動計畫」書審及期中查核委員
- 104年度「南部科學工業園區綠能低碳產業聚落推動計畫」 (一)太陽光電及LED領域之書審委員
- 南科管理局105年度「南部科學工業區園研發精進產學合作計畫」之期末驗收委員
- 科技部專題及大專學生研究計畫審查委員
- 南台科技大學106學年度通識課程委員會委員
- 海軍軍官學校105年度「通識教育暨第二週期系所評鑑」自我評鑑委員
- 具傳導塗層之釔鋁石榴石磷光材料(I 394819) —楊素華/盧清一
- 有機發光二極體構造(M 450071) —楊素華/張文凱/洪舶承/黃顯弼
- 白色螢光材料及其製造方法(I 379885) —楊素華/蔡傅守
- 利用活化劑摻雜之黃橘光硫化鋅螢光材料及其製備方法(I 397571) —楊素華/王千鴻/凌寅軒
- 利用活化劑摻雜之藍光硫化鋅螢光材料及其製備方法(I 397572) —楊素華/王千鴻/凌寅軒
- 白光有機發光二極體構造(I 406441) —楊素華/洪舶承/黃士峰
- 利用活化劑摻雜之硫化物螢光材料(I 447208) —楊素華/杜其峯/林政信/蔡平賜
- LaPO4:Tm3+螢光粉材料及其製造方法(I 538984) —楊素華/顏嘉宏/林哲民
- 橘紅光螢光粉材料及其製造方法(I538985) —楊素華/楊智凱/顏嘉宏