論文著述: A. 期刊論文 1. Cheng-Yan Guo 1, Kuan-JenWang 2 and Tung-Li Hsieh 3,*,† (2021, Oct). Piezoelectric Sensor for the Monitoring of Arterial Pulse Wave: Detection of Arrhythmia Occurring in PAC/PVC Patients. Sensors,Q1 (SCI),Impact factor:3.576, 21, 6915. 本人為共一作者、通訊作者. 2. Tzu-Sheng Huang, Tung-Li Hsieh, Chih-Ching Lai, Hsin-Yi Wen, Wen-Yao Huang* and Mei-Ying Chang* (2021, Aug). Highly Proton-Conducting Membranes Based on Poly(arylene ether)s with Densely Sulfonated and Partially Fluorinated Multiphenyl for Fuel Cell Applications. Membranes,Q1 (SCI),Impact factor:4.106, 11, 626. 本人為第二作者. 3. Jau-Woei Perng 1,†, Tung-Li Hsieh 1,2,*,† and Cheng-Yan Guo 3,† (2021, Jun). A Novel Dentary Bone Conduction Device Equipped with Laser Communication in DSP. Sensors,Q1 (SCI),Impact factor:3.576, 21, 4229. 本人為通訊作者. 4. Tung-Li Hsieh*, Jau-Woei Perng (2021, Jan). Application of Photoelectric Conversion to Dentary Bone Conduction Device Using Analog Signals. 2nd IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering 2020 (EI). 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 5. Jau-Woei Perng and Tung-Li Hsieh* (2019, Dec). Mobile phone audio combined with self-made laser light transmission frequency wirelessactuated electromagnetic lock. IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (EI). 本人為通訊作者. 6. Jau-Woei Perng and Tung-Li Hsieh* (2019, Dec). An Electromagnetic Lock Actuated by a Mobile Phone Equipped with a Self-Made Laser Pointer. Electronics,Q2 (SCI),Impact factor:2.412, 8, 1524. 本人為通訊作者. 7. Wen-Yao Huang and Tung-Li Hsieh* (2019, Dec). Amount and Scattering of Dyes and their Influence on the Photocurrent Enhancement of TiO2 Hierarchically Structured Photoanodes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (EI). 本人為通訊作者. 8. Wen-Yao Huang and Tung-Li Hsieh* (2019, Dec). Dyes Amount and Light Scattering Influence on the Photocurrent Enhancement of Titanium Dioxide Hierarchically Structured Photoanodes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Coatings,Q2 (SCI),Impact factor:2.436, 10, 13. 本人為通訊作者. 上述為2019~2021年所發表的期刊,2016~2018因剛到文藻及兼任產官學組長故無著作 9. Tung-Li Hsieh, Ann-Kuo Chu, and Wen-Yao Huang* (2013, Jun). Porous Titania Films Prepared by the Sol–Gel Method with Applications for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine (EI), 229–233. 本人為第一作者. 10. Tung-Li Hsieh, Ann-Kuo Chu, and Wen-Yao Huang* (2013, Jun). Enhancing Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Efficiency by Improving TiO2 Electrode and Dye. Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine (EI), 234–238. 本人為第一作者. 11. Tung-Li Hsieh, Ann-Kuo Chu, and Wen-Yao Huang* (2013, Mar). Preparation of Insulating SiO2 Thin Films by the Sol–Gel Process . Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,Q3 (SCI),Impact factor:1.134, 13, 279-287. 本人為第一作者. 12. Tung-Li Hsieh, Ann-Kuo Chu, and Wen-Yao Huang* (2013, Jan). Design of Multi-Porous Layer for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells by Doping with TiO2 Nanoparticles. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,Q3 (SCI),Impact factor:1.134, 13, 365-369. 本人為第一作者. 13. Tung-Li Hsieh, Ann-Kuo Chu, and Wen-Yao Huang* (2012, Jul). Preparation of ZnO membrane by chemical bath deposition method via regulated acidity. Journal of Information Engineering and Applications, Vol 2, No.5. 本人為第一作者. 14. W. Y. Huang,*,† P. T. Huang,‡ Y. K. Han,§ C. C. Lee,† T. L. Hsieh,† and M. Y. Chang† (2011, Dec). Aggregation and Gelation Effects on the Performance of Poly(3-hexylthiophene)/Fullerene Solar Cells. Macromolecules,Q1 (SCI),Impact factor:5.927, 41, 7485-7489. 15. W.Y. Huang*, C.C. Lee, T.L. Hsieh (2011, Dec). The role of conformational transitions on the performance of poly(3-hexylthiophene)/fullerene solar cells. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells,Q1 (SCI),Impact factor:5.030, 382–386. 已投稿而尚未回覆之期刊 1. A novel embedded base photoelectric smart lock system with a deep learning speech recognition model. Submitted to Sensors (SCI). 2. A novel low-cost sensor of local pulse wave velocity for cuffless blood pressure monitoring. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (SCI). 3. An open-source handheld Geiger counter with solar rechargeable. Submitted to Sensors (SCI). 專書論文 1. 謝東利*;李維元(2017年10月)。海洋複合能源再生科學通識課程之設計理念。高雄文化研究2017年年刊(ISBN:978-986-95531-1-7)(187-200)。 B. 研討會論文 1. Wen-Yao Huang,*(指導教授) Tung-Li Hsieh “Application of Ordered Nano-TiO2 Thin Films to Dye-sensitized Solar Cells by Anodization Method”, Organic Microelectronics and Photoelectronics Workshop IV, 7-10 July 2008, San Francisco, CA, USA. 2. Wen-Yao Huang,* (指導教授) Tung-Li Hsieh “Nanocrystalline TiO2 Films Deposited via Supercritical Solution for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells”, Organic Microelectronics and Photoelectronics Workshop IV, 7-10 July 2008, San Francisco, CA, USA. 3. W. Y. Huang,* (指導教授)T. L. Hsieh, Y. K. Han, M. Y. Chang, “Porous Titania films Prepared by Sol-gel Method with Applications to Dye-sensitized Solar Cells”, ThinFilm 2008, 13-16 July 2008, Singapore. 蔡清元(指導教授)、謝東利“四足類生化機器動物之建構及視覺伺服控制"中國機械工程學會第二十三屆全國學術研討會論文集84-026民95 執行及申請過之研究計畫: 研究計畫:8件,說明: 1.海洋能源暨科學應用之學習動機與策略分析-以林園高中為例(I) 2.海洋能源暨科學應用之產學研究案 3.推動教師研發成果商品化 4.複合式海洋能源產學研究案 5.如何以動機引導學習科技輔助以南向教育案 6.106年技專校院教學創新先導計畫/課程:綠意綠食開心自造家-綠色生活與生命實踐 7. 經濟部Lidar 與影像異質感知融合之車前物件偵測技術 8. 校內補助科技部個人型研究計畫:自製聚芳香醚基板應用於可撓式有機發光二極體元件 產學合作計畫:3件,說明: 1.領飛無限文創出版補助之「產學合作--《林惠蘭種子盆栽藝術》國際推廣越南文翻譯案 2.領飛無限文創出版補助之「產學合作--《林惠蘭種子盆栽藝術》書籍越南文翻譯案 3.領飛無限文創出版有限公司補助之「產學合作-《林惠蘭種子盆栽藝術》越南文翻譯錄音案 獲頒獎項與榮譽 獲獎或榮譽名稱 (新增)獎項分類 獲獎日期 頒獎機構名稱 中華創新發明學會『國際會士』 獲全國性或國際性學術榮譽獎 2016-12-15 台灣國際發明得獎協會 國際傑出發明家獎『國際傑出發明家博學博士』 獲全國性或國際性學術榮譽獎 2016-12-15 台灣國際發明得獎協會 2016臺灣國際創新發明暨設計競賽 獲全國性或國際性創作、競賽、展演等榮譽獎項 2016-07-08 臺灣知識創新學會 國立高雄第一科技大學 i-ONE國際儀器科技創新獎競賽 獲全國性或國際性創作、競賽、展演等榮譽獎項 2015-11-07 國家實驗研究院-儀器科技研究中心 2015台灣彰化國際青少年發明展(TCIYIE)暨海報競賽 獲全國性或國際性創作、競賽、展演等榮譽獎項 2015-09-30 建國科技大學 國內外專利 骨傳導式音訊傳輸裝置(中華民國專利證書號:M365025) 聲音傳送裝置(大陸專利證書號:4746993) 聲光控制鎖裝置(中華民國專利證書號:M521660) 聲光控制鎖裝置(大陸專利證書號:5257581) 齒振動式聲音傳導裝置(中華民國專利證書號:M529995) 蛋白質電池(中華民國專利證書號:I590517) 榮譽事蹟 1. 國際傑出發明家獎『國際傑出發明家博學博士』 2.中華創新發明學會『國際會士』 3.2016臺灣國際創新發明暨設計競賽兩金牌 4.I-ONE國際儀器科技創新獎競賽第三名 5.台灣彰化國際發明展(TCIYIE)暨海報競賽銀牌 6. 擔任SCI期刊IEEE Sensors Journal (Quartile:Q1; IF3.076) 論文審稿人 論文編號 Sensors-33025-2020 7. 擔任SCI期刊IEEE Sensors Journal (Quartile:Q1; IF3.076) 論文審稿人 論文編號 Sensors-34591-2020 8.[Membranes, IF 4.562], The Special Issue on the topic of “Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) for Fuel Cells: Modelling, Characterization and Application”. As the Guest Editor